Petition to
ICC Prosecutor
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Drugs users claim attention at the 61st Commission on Narcotic Drugs meeting in Vienna, March 2018

Please find:

- The UN secretary-general's video-invitation (to be found on the bottom of the page)

- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

- Our letter of acceptance of the invitation, to Mr. de Oliveira Guterres.

- 'The UN on the Crossroads between Ethnocide and Genocide, and Human Rights',
our paper on prohibition as breeding ground for atrocities against humanity, presented at the occasion of Human Rights Day, December 10, 2017

- Our invitation to Mr. de Oliveira Guterres to join the Committee of Recommendation for the nomination of drugs pacifists for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.

- "Open letter to ICC Prosecutor to investigate Philippines crimes against humanity" Global Coalition, New York, December 14th 2017

- Inquiry with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights about our correspondance with Mr. de Oliveira Guterres.

- Statement of ICC Prosecutor on opening preliminary investigations into the Philippines, 
2018 0208, text and video-statement.

- The UN secretary-general’s video-address to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
calling for the decriminalization of all drugs, March 12, 2018. Following is the text of the address:


“Ladies and gentlemen, I send my best wishes to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Current efforts have fallen short of the goal to eliminate the illicit drugs market. With the UN General Assembly Special Session consensus as our blueprint, we can promote efforts to stop organized crime while protecting human rights, enabling development and ensuring rights-based treatment and support.

I am particularly proud of the reforms I introduced in Portugal¹ when I was prime-minister, almost twenty years ago.

I have called on the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to develop a comprehensive strategy that works across the three pillars² with other UN entities to strengthen our efforts.

Together we have an opportunity to chart a better and balanced path for decades to come.”

Thank you.

¹ Portugal's November 29, 2000 law on drugs and psychotropic substances, Lei 30/2000, in Portuguese.
² The three UN pillars: Human Rights, Peace and Security, and Development; some speak of four pillars and include the Rule of Law.


- Our letter of congratulations to Mr. de Oliveira Guterres for his courageous address to the 61st session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

- “THE CND IS DYING - Time to put People who use drugs, evidences and Human Rights at the center of the response. Excerpt of a blog post of March 23, 2018 on, by Bikas Gurung and Rajiv Kafle

- ANPUD/INPUD Open Letter to Netflix to stop Philippine drug war series ‘AMO’ANPUD and INPUD, April.4.2018

- Interview of April 9, 2018 in German Newspaper ‘Jungwelt’ with Michael Kleim, Evangelical theologian and City Youth Pastor of Gera, Germany, "Prohibition: violations of human rights are the result".

- “Breaking Free From Prohibition: A Human Rights Approach to Successful Drug Reform”, excerpt of a blog post of May 15, 2018 by professor Julian Buchanan, Aotearoa New Zealand