We have formed a Committee of Recommendation to support our candidates for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize with potential nominators, who consist of a select group of people qualified by Alfred Nobel to nominate for the Prize with the Oslo Nobel Committee. Our Committee of Recommendation comprises public figures who are in favor of alternative policies to the prohibition of drugs, and might not be qualified to nominate but whose recommendation may favorably influence potential nominators.
The Drugs Peace Institute ascertains that the various Cannabis Social Clubs included in the CSC-candidacy have all confirmed to adhere to the 5 principles of supply follows demand, non-profitability, transparency, healthy use and openness to dialogue with the authorities, set forth by ENCOD and to its Code of Conduct. These same principles are held since time immemorial by the various Huichol ceremonial centers where compliance is assured by the mara’kame (shaman) leadership.
Although the members of the Committee of Recommendation will not know each individual candidate, each candidate’s adherence to the disciplined and socially embedded use of the substance of their choice allows therefore the Committee as a whole to recommend the collective candidacy.
The Drugs Peace Institute welcomes public figures who subscribe to the objectives of the nomination campaign to sign up for the Committee, reinforcing with their recommendation the ‘nobility’ of the candidates. (see 'Letter of adhesion' in the column to the left)
The members of the Committee are asked to underwrite the following text which the Drugs Peace Institute will forward to potential nominators with the names of the Committee members listed underneath:
“We, the members of the Committee of Recommendation, endorse the nomination for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize of the Huichol People, represented by the Huichol Center for Cultural Survival (Centro Indígena Wixárika, Huejuquilla el Alto, Jalisco, Mexico) in the person of its founder and director Susana Eger Valadez, and of the Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC) represented by Felipe Borrallo, Joseph Baltierrez i Alier and Jaime Prats, members of ARSEC (Asociación Ramon Santos de Estudios de Cannabis, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) who stood at the craddle of the Cannabis Social Club. Their respective activities have effectively contributed to our understanding of the responsible production, distribution and consumption of peyote and marihuana, enhancing the prospects for peace and an end to the war on consumers of mind-altering substances.
We are convinced that these drugs pacifists deserve to be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize because of their activities in favor of drugs peace, and we therefore strongly recommend their candidacy for nomination.” |