Ayahuasca is a food of life par excellence.
It gives the indigenous Amazone peoples the knowledge to care for their natural environment and save the planet's biggest forest for the survival of humanity.
Like cannabis, psychedelic mushrooms, iboga, peyote and other entheogens it enables the intuitive knowledge from the heart to manifest in the brains. It makes the mind aware of its own lies as well as the lies of those who scheme to alienate the people from this knowledge-providing source, in order to better gain control over their minds.
This muzzling of the spirit within is the history of the prohibition of entheogenic substances, which not only has resulted in the alienation of humans from their own nature, but from their natural environment as well.
Since the inception of this process at the start of civilized times, the consumers of these substances have been marginalized, categorized as evildoers, witches to be put to death.
Nowadays this process is called othering, the term used to describe the ideological justification for the social exclusion of individuals and groups that threaten the established order with politically unwelcome ideas.
Two thousand years ago western civilization lived a moment of Gnostic Awakening, a rebellion against this genocidal othering. We have come to know the Christian version of this movement for its revolutionary message, as it proclaimed that the other is not the evildoer who lures people to their doom. To the contrary, when forgetting about oneself, the other was shown to be one’s entrance to happiness and heavenly bliss.
This message of spiritual liberation was, of course, brutally combatted by the rulers of the day, starting with the Roman emperor and the bishops of the incipient Roman Catholic Church. Only when the message of liberation in this life had been changed to one of salvation after death could Christianity become the dominant ideology of the empire.
Subjects of rulers, be they kings or presidents, are not supposed to bask in an embrace of the divine within. All the gods forbid! The people should bend their heads and their knees in submission and prick up their ears to better hear the voice from the palace. The divine voice is not to be known in life, only the ruler enjoys that privilege.
It is the essence of Royal Ideology.
Backed up by the cross, seafaring European Nations swarmed all over the world to make it safe for their traders and raiders, and make the global population bend its heads for the one who could free them from their subjugation, in death. Those who still would adhere to their own gods would be othered. In the African and American colonies othering meant the physcial destruction of the rebellious subjects. In the East it often meant being forced to consume opium, an insidious way invented by the colonial masters to drug their conquered subjects into oblivion. It would serve as a pattern for the twentieth century War on Drugs, a misnomer for the War for Drugs that aims to gain worldwide control of markets of mind-altering substances.
In the wake of the horrors of the second world war and in response to the onslaught on Vietnam and Laos and Cambodia, citizens revolted worldwide against the exterminating othering policies of the United States and its allies. Like Christians and other Gnostics of ages past the youthful rebels looked for meaning in life in the fading of self-consciousness caused by the effects of cannabis on the brains, rejecting the prevailing narrative of oppression and destruction. Against the exterminating othering of the elites, the cannabis using youngsters reached out to the others, their brothers, asking to “give peace a chance!”
In the following pages we review the history of prohibition, the fabric of lies woven to conceal the source of truth within. We then show the repetition of the use of lies in the drafting of the 1961 Single Convention of Narcotic Drugs. We finish by asking the Secretary General to address these Lies of the 1961 Single Convention, which have inspired the War on Drugs, the foremost impediment to the realization of a viable Pact for the Future.
In remembrance of the sublime message of outreach to the other, and in the spirit of and protected by the Declaration of Human Rights which the members states have pledged to promote and respect, and aware of the necessity for co-operation from the United Nations for the observance of these rights and fundamental freedoms, we hope that the United Nations under the guidance of Secretary General Antonio Guterres, will include our request for a special Sustainable Development Goal, number 18, for the recognition of entheogenic substances and an end to the worldwide persecution of these substances-consuming others. |