Staff of the Patients of Ukraine Foundation

June 12, 2023
To whom it may concern
Support patients of Ukraine in fighting for a medical cannabis law!
Patients of Ukraine Foundation unites over 50 patient organizations.
Our mission is to make treatment available to all.
Our goal is to ensure effective treatment, including access to medicines, for all patients in Ukraine by uniting activists to influence governmental laws and policies.
For the past 6 years, the patient community of Ukraine has been fighting for people with serious illnesses to be able to alleviate pain through the use of medical cannabis-based treatments. This includes over 2 million people, such as patients with epilepsy, cancer, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, multiple sclerosis, and PTSD. Such treatment is a normal practice in your countries and is accepted in over 50 countries worldwide. Today, Ukrainian patients in all European and American countries, where they have found refuge, have access to medical cannabis-based treatments. However, no patient in Ukraine can receive this treatment. Despite the UN resolution in January 2020, moving cannabis from the list of banned substances to the list of controlled substances, hemp remains illegal in Ukraine.
For the past one and a half years, millions of Ukrainians have been experiencing the largest-scale terror since World War II, violence, psychological trauma, loss of loved ones, mass forced displacement, sexual violence, and relentless stress. Due to the war, the number of veterans and civilians with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is constantly increasing, which makes the issue of medical cannabis legalization even more urgent. According to preliminary estimates from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, approximately 4 million people will require medication for PTSD treatment due to the war.
The Ukrainian people have long chosen the European path. The use of medical cannabis to ensure a quality life for everyone is an important and essential step on this path. We express our sincere gratitude to the European countries for supporting Ukraine in the war. Thanks to this support, despite facing hardship every day, we do not feel abandoned; we feel united.
Now we call for your support in our fight for human and patient rights! We kindly request to address Ukrainian parliamentarians with arguments that medical cannabis is being used to treat patients in Europe, and this treatment is legalized and accessible within the public healthcare system and it can bring huge benefit to the post-war Ukrainian society. This is the choice of a civilized global community, in which Ukraine is bravely fighting to participate.
The government bill on the legalization of medical cannabis, No. 7457, was registered in parliament six months ago. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the relevant parliamentary committee, and 70% of Ukrainians have already supported the legalization of medical cannabis to alleviate the pain of seriously ill patients. Dozens of patient, veteran, human rights, and other civil organizations have supported the open appeal to the Ukrainian members of parliament. Now we need the support of the members of parliament.
The law will allow:
? all people who need it, access to pain treatment based on medical cannabis;
? Veterans, people with PTSD, and rare disease patients to use medical cannabis-based medicines under prescription;
? Doctors to prescribe electronic prescriptions for medical cannabis-based medicines;
? Scientists to research cannabis and its derivatives and develop innovations in the field;
? Businesses to cultivate medical cannabis and produce medicines under clearly regulated licensing;
? The law will regulate strict and transparent control over the circulation of medicines, their production, and the cultivation of medical cannabis.
The number of people with PTSD and other negative consequences for mental health is increasing. War continues to kill us even when we return home. Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, numerous physical traumas, including concussions, and the excruciating pain associated with them. Is this the condition in which a person should be left alone? No, our doctors, spouses, children, volunteers - everyone behind the front puts incredible effort into healing, supporting, and restoring.
And if there is even one opportunity to alleviate the condition of Ukrainian soldiers, even one chance to save their relationships within their families and restore a normal life, we must do it. This treatment, given to 6 million people who need it in Ukraine, will save 6 - 12 million in reality: the spouses, children, parents, whole families of the people who suffered can be healed.
Ukraine has already prioritized the rehabilitation of people affected by the war and has launched powerful programs to provide comprehensive psychological support to every Ukrainian. Now it is time for the state to recognize modern treatment as an integral part of Ukraine's recovery.
We want to see Ukraine as a responsible country where patients have access to all necessary medicines through the implementation of effective treatments. We call on you to continue standing with us in this fight!
Inna Ivanenko
Executive Director
CF “Patients of Ukraine”
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